2023 Best of Europe: Crisis Response / Critical Pivot 

Deposit made of Steel

Summary: The 2022 Russian invasion was a shock to FUIB, a commercial Ukrainian capital bank. It had to ensure its financial viability in late 2022 when its pre-war savings accounts were due to expire.  FUIB had to act quickly and persuade clients to switch to new savings deposit accounts and attract new clients. The campaign idea conveyed reassurance of new deposit safety, resonating with the context of Ukrainians staying strong in the war, like steel. Results were remarkable 5.4 times growth of money on deposits and a 94% increase in new clients. 

5.4 times growth of money on deposits, 94% increase in new clients amid the war 

Lead Agency(s): MullenLowe Adventa 

Contributing Agency(s): Dievo 

Client / Brand: FUIB 

Effie Award(s): Bronze