2023 Best of Europe: Media Strategy & Idea

Trapped in the ’90s 

Summary: “IKEA has transformed our homes since its arrival, however, is perceived as a brand that always has the same products despite its efforts to renew its catalogue.  

IKEA arrived in Spain 25 years ago, and that moment marked the birth of a new generation who don’t know life without IKEA. As a result, the strategy was key to demonstrate the impact IKEA has had on our homes inviting six of these IKEA natives to take a horrific trip in the 90s in the form of a reality show.” 

Sending an entire generation of Spaniards to the past to increase the revenue by +169%. 

Lead Agency(s): McCann Spain  

Contributing Agency(s): Iprospect 

Client / Brand: IKEA 

Effie Award(s): Gold

Deals stuck in time

Summary: “As food prices soared, Swedes were increasingly nostalgic about McDonald’s old prices in McDonald’s social channels. To increase value for money, visit intent, and encourage more Swedes to download and use McDonald’s app, we launched Deals stuck in time to reactivate over a decade of McDonald’s old outdoor ads. 

By turning yesterday’s deals into McDonald’s best deals today, 840,000 time-travels were made. Active app users increased by +28%, value for money rose from 43% to 56% and visit intent increased from 41% to 53%, leading to +17,1% in sales growth.” 

Moved value for money from 43% to 56% and visit intent from 41% to 53%. 

Lead Agency(s): NORD DDB Stockholm  

Contributing Agency(s): OMD Sweden; Prime Weber Shandwick 

Client / Brand: McDonald’s (Sweden) / Deals stuck in time 

Effie Award(s): Silver