Duarte Durão

Duarte Durão


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Duarte studied Agro-industrial Engineering and graduated in Business Communication.

He started in advertising, in 1998, at FCB, where he joined as copy and left as an account manager. He was then 3 years at BBDO, where he worked in the most diverse sectors: Energy, Banking, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Beverages, Home Hygiene.

Between 2004 and 2008, he moved to the client side, as responsible for advertising and marketing of the mobile operator TMN.

In 2008, everything changed, he got married, and founded NOSSA together with 3 other partners. Portuguese, independent agency, where, every day, he tries to put his vision of the ideal agency into practice. He believes that his added value lies in understanding people, whether employees, customers, or consumers of the brands he works for.

In academic terms, he complemented his degree with a postgraduate degree in Brand Management, at ISCTE, and a General Management Program, at AESE.

He is currently Vice-President of APAP, the Portuguese Association of Advertising, Communication and Marketing Agencies, is on the board of Casa dos Rapazes, a youth foster home and has four children.