Venia Koronidi

Venia Koronidi

Head of Strategy - McCann Athens

Venia Koronidi Headshot

Venia is a strategic planner with 12 years of experience, currently holding the position of the Head of Strategy at McCann Worldgroup Athens. ​

She is passionate about uncovering human pain points and transforming them into creative briefs that unleash inspiration and open up new possibilities for brands to grow. For her, effectiveness is a human first pursuit as she deeply believes that for an ad to be effective it must move human beings to change -or not change- in some way.​

She has handled numerous and high caliber global and local clients such as IKEA, Athenian Brewery, L’Oreal, National Bank of Greece, Mastercard, Aegean, OPAP, Philip Morris International.​

She holds a Msc in Marketing from Alba Graduate Business School and a bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media from Panteion University of Social and Political sciences.