Sandie Dilger

Sandie Dilger

CSO - TBWA London

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Sandie is Chief Strategy Officer of TBWA\London, a recent gold UK Effie winner for their work on snacking brand, Mini Cheddars. Sandie has worked in strategy leadership roles at both network and independent agencies including VCCP and Ogilvy. Sandie has led the strategic thinking for effectiveness award winning campaigns on Sipsmith, Wagamama, Scottish Widows and Coors Light to name a few.

An advocate of sharing 'real' learning in the industry, Sandie sat on the 2021 APG shortlisting panel and is currently an APG committee member. Her belief in creativity and it’s ability to drive transformational change and growth was ignited when she started her career at Cadbury at a time when it was perhaps the most creatively adventurous client in London.