Neil Godber

Neil Godber

Executive Strategy Director - Wunderman Thompson

Neil Godber headshot

Neil is Executive Strategy Director at Wunderman Thompson UK, leading the strategy for global and local clients including Duracell and IKEA. Neil’s work with brands and effectiveness means he is also the Strategy Council lead for effectiveness. In his time at Wunderman Thompson, Neil was the Head of Planning for the last 6 years, overseeing the agency’s strategic output, recruitment and development of strategic capabilities and leading the strategy for Johnson & Johnson, The Army, Andrex, Kenco and Ribena.

Prior to joining Wunderman Thompson, Neil has created highly creative effective work for Audi, Barclays, KFC and Gordon’s gin at BBH, produced award winning work for Dixons Currys Group at M&C Saatchi and worked across an incredible range of brands at MCBD and Publicis including The Army, Greene King, ASDA, P&O Cruises, Vision Express and Thorntons.

Neil has won a range of industry awards, including the APG Grand Prix and Gold, IPA Effectiveness Awards, Effies, IDM and has been Convenor for the IPA, member of the Awards Board and Effectiveness Leadership Group and is Chair of Effectiveness Champions, judged YouTube Works, Effies and APG. Neil is also an industry commentator, writing and speaking for WARC on the Future of Strategy, Campaign, The Drum, Marketing, Contagious, IPA, The Grocer and more. Neil also teaches strategy courses for the IPA and APG.